Wednesday 30 July 2014

Blurb Book

Subscribe to Blurb Book

In 2005, Blurb founder Eileen Gittins wanted to do something she thought would be relatively simple: Make a book of her own photography. The “make a book” part was possible, sure, but the costs were prohibitive. And the “simple” part? Not so much. “Why,” she thought, “should anyone have to take out a second mortgage and hire a small army just to publish a few copies of their own book?”

Why indeed.

…there was an idea.

One year later, in 2006, Eileen launched Blurb, the world’s first platform for creating, printing, and publishing independent books. The democratization of illustrated publishing had arrived. But these weren’t just any books. They were beautiful, bookstore-quality books on premium paper stock with archival-quality binding. And anyone could make one. Literally, just one. Or two. Or ten thousand. Blurb was one of those amazing big-picture ideas made real: A mash-up of creative freedom with print-on-demand technology. It was groundbreaking. It was liberating and empowering and thrilling. And people like Eileen started making the books they’d always dreamed of, but never thought they could make.

As it turned out, the idea was a popular one

Fast forward to today. To date, Blurb authors have created more than two million books since the company started, with a new book created every minute. The books are as amazing and varied as the people making them. Photo books, cookbooks, travel books, children’s books, graphic novels, not-so-graphic novels...the list is endless. “If you build it, they will come” has never been more true than at Blurb. The question we’ve always asked our customers has been, “What will your book be?” Now we browse our online bookstore and wonder “What can’t a book be?” Because every day Blurb book-makers continue to astound us with unique takes on what constitutes a book.

From idea to industry standard: The explosion of self-publishing

As with any good idea, once it gets a little traction, others get in the game. In the past seven years, the self-publishing market has exploded. We think that’s great, because our mission from the beginning has been to empower people to self-publish. The more ways to do it, the better. The more people doing it, the better. The more books in the world...well, that’s the best part of all. That said, we think we offer a few things "the other guys" don’t.
  • Our platform is built for everyone: Personal book-makers, authors of all kinds, creative professionals, small businesses, you name it.
  • We have tools for every book-making skill level: An online tool that lets you make instant books from your Instagram and Facebook feeds; seamless integration with Adobe® creation toolsInDesign® and Lightroom®; and our flagship tool, BookWright, that lets anyone design and print a professional-looking book and sell and distribute online.
  • Books are our business. We couldn’t be more different from companies who offer photo books alongside coffee mugs and t-shirts. We built a self-publishing platform focused exclusively on making bookstore-quality print and ebooks.
  • We support authors, not the other way around. The Blurb experience puts you, the author, in control. Everything from how you make your book to how you sell it (distribute through Amazon or sell in the Blurb Bookstore) to how you promote it (free social sharing tools) is designed with you in mind.

So, why Blurb?

We thought you might ask. Here’s our answer: Because from the time you read this to the moment you hold a book you created yourself, every step along that journey has been thoughtfully considered and fine-tuned by book-making experts at Blurb. Could you make a photo book with a company that, say, hosts your photos online? Sure you could. But you won’t get free creation tools like BookWright (purpose-built for designing amazing books), the option to sell your book on Amazon (you know, like all those bestselling authors), or the kind of service and support people write books about.

We believe in your stories, whatever they may be, whatever they may look like. They deserve to be told. So here’s another great idea we’ll throw out there: Let’s make beautiful, amazing, incredible books together.

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Architecture Portfolio

Architecture Portfolio

Architecture PortfolioA look into my past will reveal the priceless experiences that have shaped my character, leadership abilities, and direction in life. I consider my family to be one of the foremost reasons for the strong foundation in my life. Throughout my childhood, my parents guided my steps teaching me the value of serving others within our church and community. My adolescent years allowed me the opportunity to slowly begin cutting some of the strings that bound me to them as a completely dependent child. Transitioning towards eventual independence as an adult, I was given the responsibility of setting an example for my two younger sister & brother. Setting an example for them did not mean being perfect. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Rather than being pretentious, the best way that I could be a role model for them was to genuinely lead as someone who has both good and bad days.

Architecture PortfolioIn this way, they could see the real me and observe how I responded to and learned from life circumstances. My leadership skills continued to develop through my involvement with the Boy Scouts. The Boy Scouts taught me to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent in all areas of my life. These characteristics came into full fruition on the day that I attained the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank earned within the Boy Scouts. Before receiving this rank, I needed to complete an Eagle Scout Project that demonstrated the culmination of my leadership skills.

My project consisted of meeting with the local departments to determine a development plan for their newly built government complex. After ironing out all of the logistics between the city hall and the local nursery, I proceeded to supervise the installation of about thirty plants and the preparation of the landscaping beds around them. Obtaining the rank of Eagle Scout revealed much to me about myself. Most importantly, it taught me that I was able to start something and finish it. DIGITAL RENDERING OF GOVERNMENT COMPLEX WITH 3D STUDIO MAX & VRAY While in scouting, I also challenged myself to cultivate a business in lawn service. I began with only a couple of residential accounts.

Architecture PortfolioEventually, my business grew to fifteen accounts including two commercial accounts. While running this small business, I kept track of my income and expenditures and was dependable to keep my scheduled weekly service. Committed to doing my best, this experience further impacted my character and ability for leadership as I realized the value of quality over mere quantity. Currently, I am attending Curtin University in Australia. In addition to pursuing a non-baccalaureate Masters Degree in Architecture, I am a student member of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA). My intended degree is a professional degree requiring many long hours of dedication and focus. Throughout my studio classes, my projects reflect the same quality and consideration that I have previously put into my Eagle Scout Project and lawn care business. My transcript is proof that I am extremely efficient at managing my time and balancing all of the project deadlines given to me from each of my current and past courses.

The projects illustrated within this portfolio are specifically selected and chronologically organized to tell my unique story. The values and principles that have molded my individual character have become the foundation for excelling as a future leader within the profession of landscape architecture.

If you have question you can contact me

Hon Wong Architecture Portfolio